Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Equinox & Rose Quartz

Fotos/pics by:@chuckrazz 
Jumpsuit: BailyBlue  Gladiattors-Sandals: libby edelman Headband:Sfera

Siempre hay momentos en los que el alma necesita un respiro. Las piramides me parecen un lugar perfecto para exhalar lo que nos estorba y nos impide avanzar e inhalar esa fuerza que nos empuja a seguir adelante sobre nuestro camino. Nada me pareció más ideal, que recibir este nuevo año con un mono en color Rosa Cuarzo con la intención te mantenerme en su vibración. Espero que disfruten estas fotos tanto como nosotros disfrutamos tomarlas ;)

There are always times when the soul needs a break. The pyramids seems a perfect place to exhale our obstacles and all that stuff that prohitib us moving forward; and inhale the force that pushes us forward on our own way. Nothing seemed more ideal, to receive this new year with a jumpsuit in Rose Quartz color intended to keep me in that vibration. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed taking them ;)

Il y a toujours des moments où l'âme a besoin d'une pause. Les pyramides semble un endroit idéal pour exhaler nos obstacles et toutes ces choses que nous interdisons aller de l'avant; et inhaler la force qui nous pousse en avant sur notre propre chemin. Rien ne semblait plus idéal, pour recevoir cette nouvelle année avec une combinaison de couleur Rose Quartz destiné à me garder dans cette vibration. J'espère que vous apprécierez ces photos autant que nous avons apprécié les prendre ;)

Jumpsuit: BailyBlue  
 Gladiattors-Sandals: libby edelman 


  1. Te queda muy bonito ese color!!besos

  2. Although a picture is worth a thousand words they can't even begin to describe the essence of your divine aura captured in these pictures. And despite the overabundance of joy, awe and ecstasy brought about whilst admiring these masterful pieces of art, I must confess a negative emotion is amiss ruminating simultaneously. You see, typically, my eyes bear a light brown shade but at the moment they resemble a commanding green. Green with envy of the camera's lens having the luxury of viewing such an absolutely breathtaking scene in person. And more importantly, having the luxury of experiencing that same breathtaking scene being elevated to an even higher level by your sheer presence itself.

    Alhely, you are truly a STAR! Like the brightest stars in the sky shining brighter than the sun, sometimes they go undiscovered by people because they don't have a telescope strong enough yet. But that doesn't mean they don't exist, it simply means that they haven't seen it yet. That star was always a star, it was born a star, exists like a star, and will be one forever! So just because they don't know about that star yet doesn't mean it's not a star! Thank you for this truly amazing experience and Keep On Shining!

    PPFFFFF!!! (LOL)

  3. beautiful pictures and you look great :)

  4. Toda una Diosa Azteca. Me encantó un sesión de fotos

  5. Cute romper. You're beautiful! :)



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